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This page provides additional information you need to configure and troubleshoot Conversational AI Engine RESTful APIs.

HTTP status codes

When calling the Conversational AI Engine RESTful API, you receive an HTTP status code.

  • If the status code is 200, it means the request is successful.

  • If the status code is not 200, the request failed. The response body contains statusCode and message fields, that describe the specific reason for the failure.

Following is a sample response:

// HTTP status code is 400. Request parameter is abnormal.
"message": "create agent failed, code: 400, msg: properties: channel not found",
"requestResponse": {},
"statusCode": "InvalidRequest",
"taskId": ""

Response status codeDescriptionSuggested action
200OKThe request was successful.
400Invalid request parametersVerify request parameters and correct any errors.
403Unauthorized accessContact technical support to activate the service.
404Agent not found or has exitedCheck whether the task has been started successfully or has stopped.
409Agent ConflictUse the taskId field to get the started agent_id, and use this ID for subsequent operations.
422Access limit exceededContact technical support.
502Gateway errorContact technical support.
503Agent startup failureRetry using a backoff strategy.
504Request timeoutRetry using a backoff strategy.

The following table shows the possible statusCode values ​​and descriptions. Use the statusCode and message fields to troubleshoot the problem.

InternalErrorInternal error on the server.
InvalidPermissionThe service is not activated.
InvalidRequestThe request parameters are invalid.
ResourceQuotaLimitExceededToo many concurrent requests, exceeding the quota limit.
ServiceUnavailableInternal error on the server.
TaskConflictAn Agent with the same name already exists.
TaskNotFoundThe task was not started successfully, was aborted midway after starting, or has been destroyed.
TaskOperationTimeoutInternal error on the server.
NotImplementedInternal error on the server.