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Retrieve a list of agents

Get a list of Conversational AI agents that meet the specified conditions.

API endpoint

  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint:{appid}/agents
  • Authorization: Basic Auth

Path parameters

appidstringYesThe App ID of the project

Query parameters

channelstringThe channel to query for a list of agents
from_timenumberThe start timestamp (in seconds) for the query. Default: 2 hours ago.
to_timenumberThe end timestamp (in seconds) for the query. Default: current time.
statusstringThe agent status to filter by. Only one state can be specified per query:
  • IDLE (0): Agent is idle.
  • STARTING (1): The agent is being started.
  • RUNNING (2): The agent is running.
  • STOPPING (3): The agent is stopping.
  • STOPPED (4): The agent has exited.
  • RECOVERING (5): The agent is recovering.
  • FAILED (6): The agent failed to execute.
Default value: 1
limitstringThe maximum number of entries returned per page. Default: 20.
cursorstringThe paging cursor, indicating the starting position (agent_id) of the next page of results.

Request examples

Use one of the following request examples as a starting point:

Sample request:

curl --request get \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <credentials>'


  • If the returned status code is 200, the request was successful. The response body contains the result of the request.

  • If the returned status code is not 200, the request failed. The response body includes the error code and description. Refer to status codes to understand the possible reasons for failure.

Response body

dataobjectAgent data
countintegerThe number of agents returned.
listarrayA list of agents that meets the criteria.
⇒⇒startTsintegerAgent creation timestamp.
⇒⇒stateNamestringThe current state of the agent.
⇒⇒taskIdintegerThe agent ID.
metaReturns meta information about the list.
cursorstringPaging cursor
totalintegerThe total number of agents that meet the query conditions.
statusstringRequest status

Sample response

"data": {
"count": 1,
"list": [
"startTs": 1735035893,
"status": "RUNNING",
"taskId": "1234567890ABCDE1CVGZNU80BEIN56XF"
"meta": {
"cursor": "",
"total": 1
"status": "ok"
