This page introduces the billing policy for the use of Agora Conversational AI Engine.
When you use Conversational AI Engine in your project, Agora charges a fee in your monthly bill. See Billing for details. At the end of each month, Agora calculates the total usage of Conversational AI Engine across all projects under your developer account, subtracts the free quota, and multiplies the remaining usage by the corresponding unit price to calculate the total cost. The final amount is rounded to two decimal places.
Unit price
Creating a Conversational AI Engine instance using the RESTful API and joining a channel incurs an audio task fee at the following rate:
Usage Type | Pricing (USD / minute) | Free Minutes |
Conversational AI Engine Audio Task | 0.0265 | First 300 minutes are free |
The unit price includes the following:
- Real-time Speech-To-Text (STT).
- The audio RTC subscription fee of the engine instance.
User A joins a channel and starts a voice conversation with an instance created by Conversational AI Engine. The interaction lasts for 10 minutes. User A and the Conversational AI Engine instance exit the channel at the same time. Agora calculates the cost for this session as follows:
Usage Type | Duration (minutes) | Unit Price | Service Cost (USD) | Total Cost (USD) |
User A Audio RTC | 10 | 0.00099 | 0.0099 | 0.2749 |
Conversational AI Engine Audio Task | 10 | 0.0265 | 0.265 |