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Raw video processing

In certain use-cases, it is necessary to process raw video captured through the camera to achieve desired functionality or enhance the user experience. Video SDK provides the capability to pre-process and post-process the captured video data, allowing you to implement custom playback effects.

Understand the tech

Video SDK enables you to pre-process the captured video frames before sending the data to the encoder or perform post-processing on the received video frames after sending the data to the decoder.

The following figure shows the video data processing flow in the SDK video module.

Process raw video

  • Position (2) corresponds to the onCaptureVideoFrame callback.
  • Position (3) corresponds to the onPreEncodeVideoFrame callback.
  • Position (4) corresponds to theonRenderVideoFrame callback.


Ensure that you have implemented the SDK quickstart in your project.

Implement raw video processing

To implement raw video data functionality in your project, refer to the following steps:

  1. Before joining the channel, create an IVideoFrameObserver object and register the video observer by calling the registerVideoFrameObserver method.
   val ret = engine.registerVideoFrameObserver(iVideoFrameObserver)
  1. Implement the onCaptureVideoFrame and onRenderVideoFrame callbacks. After obtaining the video data, process it according to your specific use-case.
private val iVideoFrameObserver = object : IVideoFrameObserver {   override fun onCaptureVideoFrame(videoFrame: VideoFrame): Boolean {       Log.i(TAG, "OnEncodedVideoImageReceived${Thread.currentThread().name}")       if (isSnapshot) {           isSnapshot = false           // Get the image bitmap           val buffer = videoFrame.buffer           val i420Buffer = buffer.toI420()           val width = i420Buffer.width           val height = i420Buffer.height           val bufferY = i420Buffer.dataY           val bufferU = i420Buffer.dataU           val bufferV = i420Buffer.dataV           val i420 = YUVUtils.toWrappedI420(bufferY, bufferU, bufferV, width, height)           val bitmap = YUVUtils.NV21ToBitmap(               context = context,               nv21Data = YUVUtils.I420ToNV21(i420, width, height),               width = width,               height = height           )           val matrix = Matrix().apply { setRotate(270f) }           // Rotate around the center           val newBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, false)           // Save to file           saveBitmap2Gallery(newBitmap)           bitmap.recycle()           i420Buffer.release()       }       return false   }   override fun onScreenCaptureVideoFrame(videoFrame: VideoFrame): Boolean {       return false   }   override fun onMediaPlayerVideoFrame(videoFrame: VideoFrame, i: Int): Boolean {       return false   }   override fun onRenderVideoFrame(s: String, i: Int, videoFrame: VideoFrame): Boolean {       return false   }   override fun getVideoFrameProcessMode(): Int {       return 0   }   override fun getVideoFormatPreference(): Int {       return 1   }   override fun getRotationApplied(): Int {       return 0   }   override fun getMirrorApplied(): Boolean {       return false   }}

When modifying parameters in a VideoFrame, ensure that the updated parameters match the actual video frame in the buffer. Mismatches may cause issues like unexpected rotation, distortion, or other visual problems in the local preview and the remote video.


This section contains content that completes the information on this page, or points you to documentation that explains other aspects to this product.

Video Calling