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Audio mixing and sound effects

Video SDK makes it simple for you to publish audio captured through the microphone to subscribers in a channel. In some real-time audio and video use-cases, such as games or karaoke, you need to play sound effects or mix in music files to enhance the atmosphere and add interest. Video SDK enables you to add sound effects and mix in pre-recorded audio.

This page shows you how to implement audio mixing and playing sound effects in your app.

Understand the tech

Video SDK provides APIs that enable you to implement:

  • Audio mixing

    Mix in music file such as background music with microphone audio. Using this feature, you can play only one file at a time.

  • Sound effects

    Play audios with a short duration. For example, applause, cheers, or gunshots. You can play multiple sound effects at the same time.


Ensure that you have:

  • Audio files in one of the supported formats.

  • Added the required permission to your project

    If your project's targetSdkVersion is greater than 20, add the following code to the AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <!-- Other application settings -->

Play sound effects and music

This section shows you how to implement playing sound effects and add audio mixing in your app.

To manage audio mixing and sound effects, Video SDK provides the following APIs:

FunctionSound effectAudio mixing
Play or stop playing a specific audio filepreloadEffect
Pause or resume playing an audio filepauseEffect
Get and adjust playback position and volumesetEffectPosition
Report playback status of audio filesonAudioEffectFinishedonAudioMixingStateChanged

Set up file access permissions

For Android projects with targetSdkVersion greater than or equal to 20, add the following to the project's AndroidManifest.xml file:


Play sound effects

To play sound effects, refer to the following code example:

// Import the IAudioEffectManager classimport io.agora.rtc.IAudioEffectManager// Call getAudioEffectManager to get the IAudioEffectManager classprivate lateinit var audioEffectManager: IAudioEffectManageraudioEffectManager = mRtcEngine.getAudioEffectManager()// Set the sound effect ID as a unique identifier for identifying sound effect filesvar id = 0// If you want to play the sound effect repeatedly, you can preload the file into memory// If the file is large, do not preload it// You can only preload local sound effect filesaudioEffectManager.preloadEffect(id++, "Your file path")// Call playEffect to play the specified sound effect file// Call playEffect multiple times, set multiple sound effect IDs, and play multiple sound effect files at the same timeaudioEffectManager.playEffect(    0,    // Set the sound effect ID    "Your file path",   // Set the sound effect file path    -1,   // Set the number of times the sound effect loops. -1 means infinite loop    1,    // Set the tone of the sound effect. 1 represents the original pitch    0.0,  // Set the spatial position of the sound effect. 0.0 means the sound effect appears directly in front    100,  // Set the sound effect volume. 100 represents the original volume    true, // Set whether to publish sound effects to the remote end    0     // Set the playback position of the sound effect file (in ms). 0 means start at the beginning)// Pause or resume playing the specified sound effect fileaudioEffectManager.pauseEffect(id)audioEffectManager.resumeEffect(id)// Set the playback position of the specified local sound effect fileaudioEffectManager.setEffectPosition(id, 500)// Set the playback volume of all sound effect filesaudioEffectManager.setEffectsVolume(50.0)// Set the playback volume of the specified sound effect fileaudioEffectManager.setVolumeOfEffect(id, 50.0)// Release the preloaded sound effect fileaudioEffectManager.unloadEffect(id)// Stop playing all sound effect filesaudioEffectManager.stopAllEffects()// This callback is triggered when the sound effect file ends playingoverride fun onAudioEffectFinished(soundId: Int) {   super.onAudioEffectFinished(soundId)}

Incorporate audio mixing

Before or after joining a channel, call startAudioMixing to play the audio file. When the audio mixing status changes, the SDK triggers the onAudioMixingStateChanged callback and reports the reason for the change.

To mix in an audio file, refer to the following code example:

// Start playing a music filemRtcEngine.startAudioMixing(    "Your file path",  // Specify the path of the local or online music file    false,             // Set whether to play the music file only locally. false means both local and remote users can hear the music    -1,                // Set the number of times the music file should be played. -1 indicates infinite loop    0                  // Set the starting playback position of a music file)// Override callback for audio mixing state changesoverride fun onAudioMixingStateChanged(state: Int, errorCode: Int) {    super.onAudioMixingStateChanged(state, errorCode)}// Pause or resume playing the music filertcEngine.pauseAudioMixing()rtcEngine.resumeAudioMixing()// Get the total duration of the current music filertcEngine.getAudioMixingDuration()// Set the playback position of the current music file (e.g., 500 ms)rtcEngine.setAudioMixingPosition(500)// Adjust the playback volume of the current music file for remote usersrtcEngine.adjustAudioMixingPublishVolume(50)// Adjust the playback volume of the current music file locallyrtcEngine.adjustAudioMixingPlayoutVolume(50)

Control playback using the following methods:

  • pauseAudioMixing: Pause playback.
  • resumeAudioMixing: Resume playback.
  • stopAudioMixing: Stop playing.
  • setAudioMixingPosition: Set the playing position of the current audio file.
  • adjustAudioMixingPlayoutVolume: Adjust the volume of the current audio file played locally.
  • adjustAudioMixingPublishVolume: Adjust the volume of the current audio file played at the remote end.

If you play a short sound effect file using startAudioMixing, or a long music file using playEffect, the playback may fail.


This section contains content that completes the information on this page, or points you to documentation that explains other aspects to this product.

Video Calling