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Use tokens

To protect your business, it is best practice to authenticate every client that joins a channel. This guide explains how to fetch an authentication token from your token server, use it to join a channel, and renew the token when it expires.

Understand the tech

When a user attempts to connect to an Agora channel, your app retrieves a token from the token server in your security infrastructure. Your app then sends this token to Agora SD-RTN™ for authentication. Agora SD-RTN™ reads the information stored in the token to validate the request.

The following figure shows the call flow you implement to create step-up-authentication with Agora Broadcast Streaming:

Token authentication flow

token authentication flow


Before starting, ensure that you have:

Implement basic authentication

This section shows you how to implement basic authentication by acquiring a token and using it to join a channel.

Use a token to join a channel

The client requests a token from your authentication server corresponding to the user ID and the channel name. You use the received token to join a channel.

// Channel nameval channelId = "xxx"// User IDval uid = 0// Request a token from the server corresponding to channelId and uidval token = getToken(channelId, uid)// Set channel media optionsval option = ChannelMediaOptions().apply {    clientRoleType = Constants.CLIENT_ROLE_BROADCASTER}// Join a channelengine.joinChannel(token, channelId, 0, option)

Token expiration

After you join a channel using a token, the SDK triggers an onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire callback, 30 seconds before the token is set to expire.

When the token expires, the SDK triggers an onRequestToken callback. After receiving the callback, you regenerate a new token on the server side, and then update the token in one of the following ways:

Single channel use-case

  • Call renewToken to pass in the newly generated Token (Recommended).

  • Call updateChannelMediaOptions to update the token.

  • Call leaveChannel [2/2] to leave the current channel, and then pass in a new token when calling joinChannel [2/2] to rejoin the channel.

Multi-channel use-case

If you call joinChannelEx to join multiple channels, call the updateChannelMediaOptionsEx method to update the token.

The following sample code demonstrates how to call renewToken to update the token upon receiving an onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire callback notification.

class RtcEngineEventHandlerImpl : IRtcEngineEventHandler() {    // Callback triggered when the token is about to expire    override fun onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire(token: String) {        super.onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire(token)        // Request to generate a fresh token        val newToken = getToken()        // Update the token        engine.renewToken(newToken)    }}

Complete sample code

This section presents sample code to implement token authentication in your client.

  1. In /Gradle Scripts/build.gradle(Module: <projectname>.app), add the following dependencies for making HTTP requests to the token server:

    dependencies {
    implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.10.0'
    implementation ''

  2. In MainActivity, replace the content with the following code:

    Complete sample code for token authentication
    package com.example.rtcquickstartimport android.Manifest;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.SurfaceView;import android.widget.FrameLayout;import android.widget.Toast;import;import;import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;import io.agora.rtc2.*;import;import;import okhttp3.*;import org.json.JSONException;import org.json.JSONObject;import;import java.util.*;class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {   // Fill in the App ID from Agora console   private val appId = "Your App ID"   // Fill in the channel name   private val channelName = "demo"   private var token = ""   private var mRtcEngine: RtcEngine? = null   private var joined = 1   private val mRtcEventHandler = object : IRtcEngineEventHandler() {      override fun onUserJoined(uid: Int, elapsed: Int) {            runOnUiThread {               // After obtaining the user ID in the onUserJoined callback, call setupRemoteVideo to set the remote user view               setupRemoteVideo(uid)            }      }      override fun onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire(token: String) {            fetchToken(1234, channelName, 1)            runOnUiThread {               val toast = Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Token renewed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)                 }            super.onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire(token)      }      override fun onRequestToken() {            joined = 1            fetchToken(1234, channelName, 1)            super.onRequestToken()      }   }   companion object {      private const val PERMISSION_REQ_ID = 22      private val REQUESTED_PERMISSIONS = arrayOf(            Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO,            Manifest.permission.CAMERA      )   }   private fun checkSelfPermission(permission: String, requestCode: Int): Boolean {      return if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, permission) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {            ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, REQUESTED_PERMISSIONS, requestCode)            false      } else {            true      }   }   // Get RTC Token   private fun fetchToken(uid: Int, channelName: String, tokenRole: Int) {      val client = OkHttpClient()      val JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8")      val json = JSONObject()      try {            json.put("uid", uid)            json.put("ChannelName", channelName)            json.put("role", tokenRole)      } catch (e: JSONException) {            e.printStackTrace()      }      val requestBody = RequestBody.create(JSON, json.toString())      val request = Request.Builder()            .url("http://<Your Host URL and port>/fetch_rtc_token")            .header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")            .post(requestBody)            .build()      client.newCall(request).enqueue(object : Callback {            override fun onFailure(call: Call, e: IOException) {               // Handle failure            }            override fun onResponse(call: Call, response: Response) {               if (response.isSuccessful) {                  val gson = Gson()                  val result = response.body?.string()                  val map: Map<String, Any> = gson.fromJson(result,                  Thread {                        token = map["token"].toString()                        // If the user has not joined the channel, use token to join the channel                        val options = ChannelMediaOptions()                        if (joined != 0) {                           joined = mRtcEngine?.joinChannel(token, channelName, 1234, options) ?: -1                        } else {                           mRtcEngine?.renewToken(token)                        }                  }.start()               }            }      })   }   override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {      super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)      setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)      // If all permissions are granted, initialize the RtcEngine object and join the channel      if (checkSelfPermission(REQUESTED_PERMISSIONS[0], PERMISSION_REQ_ID) &&            checkSelfPermission(REQUESTED_PERMISSIONS[1], PERMISSION_REQ_ID)) {            initializeAndJoinChannel()      }   }   override fun onDestroy() {      super.onDestroy()      mRtcEngine?.leaveChannel()      mRtcEngine?.destroy()   }   private fun initializeAndJoinChannel() {      try {            mRtcEngine = RtcEngine.create(baseContext, appId, mRtcEventHandler)      } catch (e: Exception) {            throw RuntimeException("Check the error.")      }      // In interactive live broadcast, set the channel scene to BROADCASTING      mRtcEngine?.setChannelProfile(Constants.CHANNEL_PROFILE_LIVE_BROADCASTING)      // Depending on the actual situation, set the user role to BROADCASTER or AUDIENCE      mRtcEngine?.setClientRole(Constants.CLIENT_ROLE_BROADCASTER)      // SDK turns off video by default. Call enableVideo to enable video      mRtcEngine?.enableVideo()      val container: FrameLayout = findViewById(      // Call CreateRendererView to create a SurfaceView object and add it as a child to the FrameLayout      val surfaceView = SurfaceView(baseContext)      container.addView(surfaceView)      // Pass the SurfaceView object to Agora to render local video      mRtcEngine?.setupLocalVideo(VideoCanvas(surfaceView, VideoCanvas.RENDER_MODE_FIT, 0))      // Start local video preview      mRtcEngine?.startPreview()      // Get a token from the token server      fetchToken(1234, channelName, 1)   }   private fun setupRemoteVideo(uid: Int) {      val container: FrameLayout = findViewById(      val surfaceView = SurfaceView(baseContext)      surfaceView.setZOrderMediaOverlay(true)      container.addView(surfaceView)      mRtcEngine?.setupRemoteVideo(VideoCanvas(surfaceView, VideoCanvas.RENDER_MODE_FIT, uid))   }}

The user ID and channel name used to join a channel must be consistent with the values used to generate the token.


This section contains content that completes the information on this page, or points you to documentation that explains other aspects to this product.
